Every Tuesday in July and August, Café Léoube invites you to enjoy a movie broadcasted outside.
📍 Café Léoube
📅 Every Tuesday during the summer season
🕐 9.30pm – 00.30am
Continue your delicious dinner at Café Léoube or join the domain at 9:30 pm with an outdoor movie screening every Tuesday night in July & August. Enjoy a classic film with your feet in the sand, a glass of rosé in one hand and a popcorn cone in the other. With comfortable chairs to relax in, our movie nights are always a special time and the perfect way to end a summer day. Several à la carte formulas: TBC
Enjoy the broadcast of a great title of the world heritage of the 7th art outdoors on the beach of Pellegrin after a moment of very Leoube tasting.
-Formulas proposed : 15€ the deckchair with a pop-corn box
Programmation :
4 July : Thelma et Louise
11 July : Bagdad Café
18 July : Moonrise Kingdom
25 July : La Fièvre du Samedi Soir (Cancelled due to bad weather conditions)
01 August : Little Miss Sunshine
08 August : Mamma Mia !
15 August : Vicky Cristina Barcelona
22 August : Grease
29 August : Arizona Dream
🏖️ Outdoor event at Café Léoube